Ti-6.5Al-1Mo-1V-2Zr VT20 (BT20)

Titanium Ingot

USD $ 9,980 / Ton

Approximate Size & Weight

Φ310mm~~~~Φ410mm  1.6 Ton Per Ingot

Φ480mm~~~~Φ580mm  3 Ton Per Ingot

Φ680mm~~~~Φ720mm  6 Ton Per Ingot

      Grade :     VT20   ( ВТ20 )
      Classification :   Titanium wrought alloy
      Equivalent grades:    Ti-6.5Al-1Mo-1V-2Zr

Chemical composition in % for grade   VT20   ( ВТ20 )
Fe C Si Mo V N Ti Al Zr O H Impurity
max   0.25 max   0.1 max   0.15 0.5 - 2 0.8 - 2.5 max   0.05 85.15 - 91.4 5.5 - 7 1.5 - 2.5 max   0.15 max   0.015 other 0.3
Comment: Ti is a basis; the percentage of Ti is given approximately.

Mechanical properties under Т=20oС for grade   VT20   ( ВТ20 )
Assortment Dimension Direct. sв sT d5 y KCU Heat treatment
- mm - MPa MPa % % kJ / m2 -
Sheet annealed , GOST 22178-76     930-980   6-12     Annealing
Bar, GOST 26492-85     885   7-8 20 250-300 Annealing
Bar, GOST 26492-85     885-1130   8-10 20-25 300-400 Annealing
Plate , GOST 23755-79 11 - 100   880-1130   5-6 10-12 300 Annealing

    Brinell hardness for     VT20   ( ВТ20 )   ,       HB 10 -1 = 255 - 341   MPa

Technological properties for grade   VT20   ( ВТ20 )
  Weldability: without limitations.

Physical properties for grade   VT20   ( ВТ20 )
T E 10- 5 a 10 6 l r C R 10 9
Grade MPa 1/Grade Watt/(m·Grade) kg/m3 J/(kg·Grade) Ohm·m
20 1.12   8 4450   1110
100   8.3 8.8      
200   8.3 10.2   0.587  
300   9 10.9   0.628  
400   9.2 12.2   0.67  
500   9.3 13.8   0.712  
600   9.5 15.1      
T E 10- 5 a 10 6 l r C R 10 9
Specification :
Mechanical properties :
sв - Tensile strength , [MPa]
sT - Yield stress, [MPa]
d5 - Specific elongation at fracture , [ % ]
y - Reduction of area , [ % ]
KCU - Impact strength , [ kJ / m2]
HB - Brinell hardness , [MPa]

Physical properties :
T - Test temperature , [Grade]
E - Young modulus , [MPa]
a - Coefficient of linear expansion (range 20o - T ) , [1/Grade]
l - Termal (heat) condition coefficient , [Watt/(m·Grade)]
r - Density , [kg/m3]
C - Specific heat ( range 20o - T ), [J/(kg·Grade)]
R - Electrical resistance , [Ohm·m]

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